Posts Tagged ‘COP16’
I’m in Yosemite (working. seriously).
This is my second year as Lighting Technician for the Bracebridge Dinner at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite. It’s a great gig, for a number of reasons: the scenery, the free food, the fact that the TD actually listens to my design suggestions (two new specials this year!). In between shifts in the scissor lift, I’m finishing up my COP16 coverage and preparing for SFSketchfest. I’ve also been watching the videos from Green Stage Scratch Night. It looks like it was a great production, with a lot of work done in very limited time. Unfortunately their camerawoman got caught in a subway strike and it had to be filmed on an iphone. Took me ten minutes for me to get the courage to watch it. Definitely a learning experience, made some necessary edits clear. In the meantime, I’m waving hello to the deer.
COP 16 Coverage from Cancun, Mexico (2010)
I’ll be in Cancun from November 26- December 5th covering the cultural aspect of the COP16 talks for, and, time permitting, Culturebot. Here’s a feed of my posts. Here’s Inhabitat’s flickr page. Pardon me while I disappear for long bit.